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Dachshund's For Depression

Emotional support puppy

Image by Razvan Mirel

We are proud to announce that starting October 2022 we will be donating two puppies a year at T-Man's 5k Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Awareness Run/Walk , to serve as emotional support animals for children and teen's who are struggling with depression and mental illness. My hope is that our puppies will give a child motivation and a new purpose to keep pushing through the struggles of every day life. I hope that it gives them a comfort in knowing that no matter what the day brings they will have a friend that will be wagging its tell waiting for them to come back home.

Dachshunds For Depression: About

Application Information

Image by Ron Smith

If you know a child or teen that would benefit from an emotional support animal and would like to be considered for the 2022 puppy donation please email us at This is how we select the candidates for our emotional support puppies. To receive the best opportunity to be chosen please provide detailed information about your self and how you or someone you know would benefit from an emotional support animal. To be considered each applicant must be financially capable or have a guardian financially capable to provide adequate care for the puppies and have no prior animal cruelty charges. Please provide two references with their contact information who are not relatives that can verify the information you submit is true.

Dachshunds For Depression: About Us
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